Microlearning: Little & Often

Your workforce is likely dealing with unpredictable, uncertain and changing patterns of work at the moment, together with problems and challenges that they have never had to face before.

So, when planning how to provide them with performance and learning support in 2021, it makes sense to give them access to an online learning solution that works best little & often, with highly flexible availability.

Eliesha’s award-winning 3-4 minute pearls of wisdom® micro-learning video series exists to be accessed just in time, as required by the task or challenge, or when time allows. The insight can quickly help to answer those challenging, in-the-moment questions, like “how should I prepare for this challenging conversation?”“how could I motivate this team?” or “how do I use a coaching approach for this problem?”.

No manager or leader has all the answers, nor should they be expected to have them. They will, however, be receiving many questions from staff, adding to the pressures of those they are asking themselves.

So, providing access to a comprehensive library of content, specifically relating to management and leadership tools and methods, can be a time efficient, effective and practical performance support solution. It can be offered as both a problem solving and development resource to access when and where there’s need.

Eliesha’s pearls of wisdom® can be a first point for advice, accessed flexibly across a number of devices: laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. They can be hosted either on your own Learning Management System, or on Eliesha’s LMS.

If hosted on Eliesha’s LMS, we can provide insightful usage reports, allowing you to track engagement. Many of our existing customers use this data to unpack learning preferences, meaning they can target future learning directly towards subjects or topics that people need most.

Watch a pearl of wisdom® all about pearls of wisdom®!

There are now 18 categories of pearls of wisdom® to choose from; offering expert insights into a wide variety of models, tools, methods and techniques.

You can licence a bespoke set of pearls, chosen specifically for your organisational needs, or choose by category: either to support more formal learning, or target specific L&D challenges in your business. Our annual licence model allows learning support throughout the coming year – a perfect use of your year-end budget.

Our most popular categories include:

• Understanding and Excelling at Change
• Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity
• Leadership and Management Styles
• Performance Management
• Coaching and Mentoring
• Health and Wellbeing
• Developing Self

If you are interested in our pearls of wisdom® and would like to arrange free access to a demo set, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Click here to arrange a free 30-day trial

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